Friday, July 8, 2011

Maryland needs a full-time Governor

Maryland needs a governor like New Jersey's

7:30 AM EDT, June 29, 2011

I can't get past the fact that Maryland is the richest state in the country, but we are last in job creation. Why is that so?
Let's compare Maryland with nearby New Jersey. For one thing, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie doesn't waver. He knows what the problems are and he addresses them head on regardless of the consequences. His agenda is so good that he has attracted national attention as a possible presidential candidate. Of course, we know that's not going to happen.
And what about our governor? He's not business friendly and not friendly to legal residents either. This is a fact. Businesses and residents are going to continue to flee for the states that offer a better standard of living, better tax rates, and are business friendly.
Why does our governor go on an expensive junket overseas when the problems are here, right under his nose? Let's see what the results of his recent trip to China bring, and hope that we don't lose money on this taxpayer-funded adventure. Not "sister city" results, but real economic benefits.
I, for one, don't think it will happen and that Gov. Martin O'Malley doesn't have a clue. It's time to get real, Governor O'Malley. Let's see you follow the lead of a governor who has intestinal fortitude, who is in touch with reality, and is effectively doing something about the problems that most of the states are dealing with.
Richard LaCourse, Forest Hill

Let's not be too hard on Governor O'Malley's actions.
While it is true that Maryland's revenues have faltered significantly under the Governor's leadership, he has done a great job for West Virginia!

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