Maryland ranks last in pace of job creation
Estimates show a nearly 20,000-job loss in past 12 months, but more are finding work — perhaps out of state
9:36 p.m. EDT, June 17, 2011
"Hampered by a slowdown in federal spending, Maryland came in dead last in the nation for its pace of job creation over the past year, shedding almost 1 percent of its employment base — nearly 20,000 positions — the U.S. Department of Labor reported.
The figures released Friday show declines in Maryland in eight of the past 12 months. Twenty-two states added jobs during the past year."
Maryland is the richest state in the United States. For Governor O'Malley to have us last in job creation is reprehensible or incompetent.
There is no way to explain Maryland's ranking last in job creation other than the oft-cited charge against O'Malley that his first objective is helping his corporate friends (donors) such as Penn Gaming, who keep their
their jobs and profits fully intact in Charlestown, West Virginia.
Martin O'Malley should realize his continued indifference to the people of Maryland will cost him when he makes an attempt for national office.